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Op deze pagina zullen we nieuws en de andere actualiteiten uit de wereld van jacht en gamefarming in (Zuid-)Afrika met u delen. Deze wereld is voortdurend in beweging. Juist doordat het, zeker in Zuid-Afrika, zo'n belangrijke economische pijler is, vindt er veel onderzoek plaats naar de rol en het functioneren van deze sector. Niet alleen in economische zin, maar zeker ook als middel om de oorspronkelijke natuur van Zuid-Afrika duurzaam te behouden. De beeldvorming van "Conservation through Hunting", oftwel jacht als middel voor natuurbeheer, is sterk in opkomst. Wij willen deze inzichten vanuit de regio zelf en de deskundigen die daar verder onderzoek naar doen, hier graag met u delen.



Analyzing the rhetoric behind trophy hunting narratives


Jens Ulrik Hogh and Stephan Wunderlich from the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) discuss public perceptions of trophy hunting

In 2021, the animal rights organization Humane Society International (HIS)— which is officially campaigning for a worldwide ban on ‘trophy hunting’— commissioned and funded a survey (conducted by Savanta) in five different countries (Denmark, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Spain) to understand what the public thinks about trophy hunting and the import of these trophies to Europe.


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South Africa's conservation model:

why expanding the use of biodiversity to generate money is a good idea


South Africa’s government is calling for public comments on an updated version of its existing biodiversity economy plan. The National Biodiversity Economy Strategy aims to conserve biodiversity while also contributing to job creation and economic growth. It proposes to do this by promoting sustainable use of the country’s natural resources. The strategy is being revised so that the country’s national policy is better aligned with recent international policy developments in the biodiversity sphere. The most important of these is the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. This requires countries to develop domestic policies and regulations to ensure that they conserve more of their land in ways that are fair to the people on that land.

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The South African private wildlife hunting industry is one that should be treasured. This was again made evident by the research conducted by the research unit for Tourism Research in Economics, Environs and Society (TREES) at the North-West University (NWU), which was steered by Prof Peet van der Merwe, Andrea Saayman and Elmarie Slabbert. The research showed that the industry ploughs billions of rands back into South Africa’s economy.


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Human footprint, revenue and conservation

I have recently read many publications and watched presentations about the Trophy Hunting vs Eco Tourism debate, including the statistics of landscape footprint and revenue per capita surrounding both activities. Depending on who was writing the article or presenting the information, references to case studies, statistics and views were utilised to drive home the point of the author/presenter. For instance, in 2016 the analysis of the Timbavati Reserve’s financial model revealed that the conservation levies paid by the ± 24 000 photographic tourists who visited the reserve during that year was less than a third of the income earned from the 46 hunters who visited over the same period. The photographic tourists brought in a mere 17% of the total revenue, with the hunters contributing 61%.  This indicated that hunting yielded a much lighter landscape footprint with higher revenue.


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Gek idee of serieuze waarschuwing? Botswana wil 20.000 olifanten slijten aan Duitsland


Botswana wil Duitsland 20.000 olifanten cadeau doen. Het is een protest tegen de plannen van de Duitse minister Steffi Lemke van Milieu om de invoer van jachttrofeeën uit Afrika te verbieden. Volgens president Mokgweetsi Masisi is dit ondoordacht, ‘omdat Duitsland daarmee armoede en stroperij aanjaagt, wat toch niet de bedoeling kan zijn’.


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Botswana boos over Brits importverbod trofeeën: 'We hebben te veel olifanten'


Botswana is boos dat het Verenigd Koninkrijk een importverbod overweegt voor jachttrofeeën uit Afrika. Het Britse parlement stemt daar later vandaag over, maar het Afrikaanse land noemt de maatregel contraproductief. Milieuminister Mthimkhulu spreekt van neokoloniale bemoeienis met het wildbeheer van het land. "Botswana is het succesvolste land als het gaat om de bescherming van olifanten, buffels en leeuwen. We willen geen koloniale inmenging vanuit Groot-Brittannië."




Debunking the Myths: “Trophy Hunting” Infographics
In dit zeer informatieve en met bronvermeldingen, duidelijke infographics en onderbouwde feiten opgebouwde artikel, worden 10 hardnekkige fabels over de trofeejacht weerlegd. Het artikel gaat in op de volgende mythes:
1) Trophy hunting is pushing species to extinction
2) Trophy hunting weakens wildllife species by targeting the strongest and healthiest individuals
3) Only 3% of the revenues from trophy hunting reach local communities
4) Trophy hunting equals poaching
5) Trophy hunting can always be replaced by photo-tourism
6) Canned lion hunting is the same as any other type of "trophy hunting"
7) Trophy hunting is not ethical
8) Trophy hunting is neo-colonial imposition
9) Banning the import or export of hunting trophies will help wildllife 
10) Differences in ideologies on wildlife conservation mean that parties cannot work together
Dus als je over een van deze onderwerpen meer wil weten klik dan op onderstaande link, bekijk de infographics en doe verder onderzoek aan de hand van de links naar de achterliggende (wetenschappelijke) artikelen en andere bronnen die bij elke onderwerp staan. 



Two out of three SA white rhinos now in private hands while poachers decimate KZN herds


As the rhino poaching crisis pivots to KwaZulu-Natal’s shoddily managed state-owned parks and reserves, South Africa’s population of the pachyderms is effectively being privatised.
The percentage of South African rhinos in private hands keeps growing, even as the overall population falls in the face of the poaching onslaught for the animals’ coveted horns. 
Pelham Jones, head of the Private Rhino Owners’ Association (Proa), told Daily Maverick that Proa estimates its members now have more than 8,000 white rhinos roaming their properties, or about 65% of the national herd. That’s up from an estimate of 60% last year. 


Wildlife economies have power to extend Africa’s biodiversity conservation and help curb climate change


- Sustainable use of wild meat value chains can contribute to carbon sequestration.

- Wildlife economies have more diverse revenue streams than conventional agriculture.

- Boosting wild meat consumption can help rewilding and restoring landscapes.

Conventional protected areas are unlikely to conserve the land area necessary to curb the extinction of plants and animals, and secure the ecosystem services on which millions of people across Africa depend. Different nature friendly wildlife enterprises are one way in which this footprint can be extended to achieve conservation outcomes and mitigate climate impact. One of the objectives at COP28 will be how to implement the 30×30 target to tackle climate change, which represents the commitment of governments to conserve, protect, and restore at least 30% of the planet’s land and ocean by 2030.


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Debunking Myths About Hunting: Separating Fact from Fiction

In recent discussions surrounding trophy hunting, various myths have been perpetuated, often leading to misconceptions about its impact on wildlife conservation, local communities, and ethics. SUCo-SA (Sustainable Use Coalition Southern Africa) aims to shed light on the realities of trophy hunting by debunking these myths with evidence-based truths:


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Pretoria FM’s Esté Gross spoke with Professor Peet van der Merwe of North-West University’s School of Tourism Management about the research done by the Tourism Research in Economics, Environs and Society (TREES) research unit at the North-West University (NWU), which aimed to study the socio-economic impact of the private wildlife industry in South Africa. The study was steered by Prof Peet van der Merwe, Andrea Saayman and Elmarie Slabbert. The South African private wildlife hunting industry is one that should be treasured. This was again made evident by the research conducted by the research unit for Tourism Research in Economics, Environs and Society (TREES) at the North-West University (NWU), which was steered by Prof Peet van der Merwe, Andrea Saayman and Elmarie Slabbert. The research showed that the industry ploughs billions of rands back into South Africa’s economy.


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Saving private rhino — non-government owners of the animals succeed in stemming poaching carnage 
Private owners of rhinos last year stemmed the carnage – while hardly putting a stop to it – as the shift of poaching to KZN’s state-run reserves picked up momentum. The latest rhino poaching data released last week by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) once again highlighted the private sector’s relative success in pachyderm protection. About 8,000 rhinos are now in private hands in South Africa, perhaps 60% of the national herd. And the world’s largest private rhino conservation project is about to be auctioned. The data showed that there was almost no change in the poaching numbers, with 448 rhinos slain in South Africa in 2022 for their horns to meet overwhelmingly Asian demand for the commodity, compared with 451 in 2021.

A Glance At The Impact Of Hunting On Livelihoods


When we think about hunting, our thoughts rarely move past the experience of the hunt itself. We don’t necessarily stop and think about the Socio-Economic impact of private wildlife in South Africa. We hardly consider that the seemingly simple act of booking a legal hunting safari, plays a massive role in the Wildlife Tourism sector of our economy. To add to this, it has a significant social impact on our rural areas, where education levels are low, and jobs are scarce.  Not only does the meat from animals harvested provide much needed food for families in these areas, but it also often leads to employment opportunities.

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Trophy hunting and sustainability in Africa:

A nuanced viewpoint



In the radiant glow of the African savannah, where majestic wildlife roam, a complex and deeply entrenched concern permeates – trophy hunting. Often, when one examines hunting within the African context, an imagery of severed animal heads and their lifeless bodies come to mind. However, to understand the full scope and dynamics of hunting in Africa, it is essential to see it not as a mere economic activity but as an intricate weave of historical, cultural, and socio-economic dimensions. Herein, I delve into the topic of trophy hunting within the broader context of the African wildlife economy, social inclusion, and the diverse viewpoints of the African people.


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South Africa’s wildlife ranches can offer solutions to Africa’s growing conservation challenges



Designated protected areas for wildlife – such as national parks – are the world’s principal conservation strategy. But this model to conserve wildlife in Africa is increasingly coming under pressure. Changing climates, volatile economies and political systems, conflicting sentiments around wildlife management practices (like trophy hunting) and unpredictable events, such as pandemics, are just some of the threats that undermine conservation efforts.

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 COVID-19, Africa’s conservation and trophy hunting dilemma


Wildlife conservation hasn’t escaped the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is largely due to the fact that tourism funding, which supports the conservation of wide swaths of Africa and some 23 million livelihoods, has all but dried up. Wildlife-based tourism in Africa is worth approximately US$71 billion annually. Much of this funds the management of protected areas. For example, the protection of just one white rhinoceros at Kenya’s Ol Pejeta Conservancy costs about US$10,000 each year. 

Since the start of the pandemic there’s been a cut to funds for anti-poaching, surveillance and fence line management in most African reserves. Trophy hunting is a key source of this funding. It contributes an estimated $200 million to economies across the continent annually. Trophy hunting takes place across much of sub-Saharan Africa with South Africa, Namibia and Tanzania holding the lion’s share of the market. The debate over its utility as a source of conservation revenue takes on a new urgency in the light of COVID-19.